
Week 2 Term 1 - "I AM" corridor display

  Our corridor display is complete! We all put together statements that summed up who we are and who we are going to be!

Week 1 Term 1 - Digital Collage

Today we worked on Digital Collages! We created these by  collecting images that are important to us!

Week 1 Term 1 - First day!

First day back! We had a full school powhiri to welcome our new teachers and students. This year Rm 8 is a Year 6 Class with 1:1 Chromebooks. We are excited about all the learning that is going to take place this year. When we got to class we set up some clear expectations! We discussed what the students expect from me and what they expect from each other.

Welcome to Room 8 - 2018

Hello! Mr Sheaff here! I am back from my summer holiday in Vietnam. Kathryn and I cycled across Vietnam for 24 days and did 1,780km of riding. This year I will be taking the Year 6 students! This year is going to extraordinary because we are the first Year 6 class to have 1:1 devices! That's right every student will have a Chromebook to enhance their learning.